International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ang.)

"Euripides the Innovator Part III - Transitions" on May 10th to 13th, 2018

Thursday, May 10th 

Arrival and accommodation

20.30 Gardzienice Theatre's Performances ELEKTRA and IPHIGENIA AT AULIS (or IPHIGENIA IN TAURIS) dir. by Włodzimierz Staniewski (appx. 40 min. each)
Evening - Integrative Gathering run by Gardzienice actors (songs, recitations, video-clips); together with supper prepared by Hostesses Club from Gardzienice – The Palace

Friday, 11th May
9.00-10.00: Workshop: Gardzienice Actors & Musicians
9.00 -10.40: Breakfast

Conference 10.40-18.15:

10.40-11.00: Welcoming address - Why Euripides in Gardzienice? – Włodzimierz Staniewski, Director of E-CTP Gardzienice, lecturer at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales", University of Warsaw, Robert Sucharski, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of "Artes Liberales", University of Warsaw.

Chair Jan Bremmer
11.00-11.30: Transitions between Madness and Sanity: Euripides and medical texts – Mr. Robin Lane Fox, Emeritus Fellow of New College, Oxford and Reader in Ancient History, University of Oxford.
11.30-12.00: Sacrificial ritual(s) in the Bakchai. Towards a conclusion – Krzysztof Bielawski, Professor in the Institute for Classical Philology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow.
12.00-12.15: Euripides' Bacchae: programme notes for tonight's performance by Thiasos –
Yana Sistovari, Artistic Director of Thiasos Theatre Company London, and Hon. Associate of APGRD, Oxford.

12.15-12.45: Coffee break

Chair Krzysztof Bielawski
12.45-13.15: Re-reading Euripides' Bacchae through performance at the end of the nineteenth and into the early twentieth centuries – Fiona Macintosh, Professor of Classical Reception and Fellow of St Hilda's College, University of Oxford. Director of the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama, University of Oxford.
13.15-13.45: The life and death of Adonis on the ancient Greek and Roman stage – Aleksandra Klęczar, Doctor in the Institute for Classical Philology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow.
13.45-14.15: Beyond joy and pain: Dionysos in the tragedies by Nicos Kazantzakis – Małgorzata Borowska, Professor in the Faculty of "Artes Liberales", University of Warsaw.

14.30-16.00: Lunch

Chair: Włodzimierz Staniewski
16-30- 17.00: How humans are left at the end of Euripides' tragedies – Oliver Taplin, Fellow and Professor Emeritus, Magdalen College, University of Oxford.

Chair: David Wiles
17.00- 18.15: PANEL on Euripides and the emotions

The speakers will be given 5 minutes each to present their position on a question which will be discussed between them.

20:30: PERFORMANCE — The Bacchae by Thiasos Theatre dir. by Yana Sistovari and MJ Coldiron (105 min.)

22.00: Post-performance reception (with supper prepared by Hostesses Club from Gardzienice)

Saturday, 12th May

9.00-10.00: Working in Graeco-Roman Helmet Masks—their effect on performance approaches in terms of vocal production, physical embodiment and expressivity – Workshop with MJ Coldiron, Doctor, Deputy Head of BA World Performance, E15 Acting School, University of Essex and Associate Director of Thiasos Theatre Company.

9.00 -10.45: Breakfast

Conference 11.00-18.15:

Chair: Oliver Taplin
11.00 -11.30: Nevertheless They Persisted: Euripides' Medea, Hecuba and Helen – Rush Rehm, Professor of Drama and Classics at Stanford Unversity, California, USA and Artistic Director of Stanford Repertory Theater.
11.30-12.00: The gender re-contextualization of Euripidean characters on contemporary stage – Małgorzata Budzowska, Doctor in the Classical Philology Department, University of Łódz.
12.00- 12.30: Euripides and the female orator – David Wiles, Emeritus Professor of Drama, University of Exeter, UK.

12.30-13.00: Coffee break

Chair: Rush Rehm
13.00-13.30: Transitions in Euripides' "Alcestis" – Jan Bremmer, Professor of Religious Studies and Theology, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
13.30-14.00: Death in Tragicomedy "Alcestis" by Euripides – Jadwiga Czerwinska, Professor in the Italian Studies Department, University of Łódz.
14.00-14.30: Traces of ancient Greek marriage and Euripides's influence in Wyspianski's "Wedding" – Włodzimierz Staniewski, Director of E-CTP Gardzienice, lecturer at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales", University of Warsaw.

14.30 -16.00: Lunch

Chair: Aleksandra Klęczar
16.30-17.00: Met e... Euripides' 'Met emoi' fragment as a foundation myth for contemporary music
- Jan Lech, Theatre Ecology Workspace in the Faculty of "Artes Liberales", University of Warsaw.
Chair: Fiona Macintosh
17.00-18.30 PANEL on Euripides and Gender: How has the thinking about Euripides and Gender changed over the last twenty years?
The speakers will be given 5 minutes each to present their position on a question which will be discussed between them.
20:30 PERFORMANCE - WEDDING by Gardzienice dir. by Włodzimierz Staniewski (1h)
22.00: Post-performance reception (with supper prepared by Hostesses Club from Gardzienice)

Sunday 13 May

9.00 -10.40: Breakfast
11:30 - 13.00: FINAL PANEL and Closing of the Conference

Project in cooperation with Thiasos Theater Company from London and The Faculty of "Artes Liberales" University of Warsaw

(do wersji PL)

Michalina Hanzel
Materiał organizatora
7 maja 2018

Książka tygodnia

Wyklęty lud ziemi
Wydawnictwo Karakter
Fanon Frantz

Trailer tygodnia